Comparative Legal study of the licensing of Non-bank Business focusing on the Business provision of retail loans for careers in the Lao people’s Democratic Republic and Thailand

  • Thipsavanh Phothisen
  • ณัฐริกา แชน
Keywords: Non-bank, Licensing, Retail Loans


The government of the Lao People's Democratic Republic has pushed for a non-bank financial institution to help the poor people to access the capital more easily. For the promotion of the government, the relevant departments must be strict in selecting standard business operators to enter the business with quality and fairness to customers. The problem of licensing is that there is no clear guideline to consider issuing business licenses. There are no standard conditions for applying for a license and the details of the document are not clearly specified in the application. The lack of criteria for the documents required to apply for a license to operate the business causes the agency to issue a license must call the applicant to revise the application document several times until the cause Delay. There was also a problem for the supervisor and the operator because of the lack of a guide to consider. There was a criticism from business operators that the licensing agency delayed the delay causing delays. From the above mentioned, it is very necessary to study the law and Notice of Thailand as a guideline to be applied to the laws of the Lao PDR appropriately, correctly and efficiently
From a comparative study, it was found that the guidelines for the issuance of a business loan license for occupation between Lao PDR and Thailand. In the various steps and methods See that both countries have similar approaches That is the standard of licensing under the laws of that country But in different areas of determining the details of the consideration and having a guidebook in which Thailand has specified the content and determine the duration of the consideration clearly than the Laos PDR.
