Comparing the Rate of Return on Active Fund and Passive Fund in Equity Fund Non-Dividend with Dollar Cost Average Strategy

  • นิษาภรณ์ หนูตอ
  • สมพร ปั่นโภชา
Keywords: Mutual Funds, Dollar Cost Average (DCA) Strategy, The Portfolio Selection of Markowitz


The objective of this research was to study comparing the Rate of Return on Active Fund and Passive Fund in Equity Fund Non-Dividend with Dollar Cost Average Strategy. By using the Dollar Cost Average (DCA) strategy. Use secondary data from the website for 6 years. Date of unit mutual funds price at the beginning of months corrected from January 2014 to December 2019 were to evaluate the Sharp Ratio, Treynor Ratio and Jensen’s Alpha. Those ratios were financial instrument to measure the efficiency of mutual funds

The results show that active mutual fund had higher return than passive mutual fund. Additional studies to the portfolio selection of Markowitz by choosing the first 4 mutual funds that had a good rate of return on DCA investment. We found that the Active mutual fund had also greater return than the Passive mutual fund at the same risk.


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