Participation Role of AOT Helping Society in The Case of The Search and Rescue Operations of Tham Luang Forest Park Khunnam-Nangnon

  • ประสงฆ์สุข นิสัยตรง
  • ชุลีรัตน์ เจริญพร
Keywords: Helping Society, Participation, Search and Rescue Operation, Participation Roadmap


The research on the role of the Airports Authority of Thailand (AOT) on participation in helping society, a case study of Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang Non search and rescue operation, is a qualitative research with objectives of (1) Study the role of corporate participation of Airports Authority of Thailand (AOT) and (2) Study roadmaps  to create participation from various sectors in the mission of helping society. Interviewed the target groups as following (1) Other workers Of Airports Authority of Thailand (AOT), a total of 7 persons and (2) AOT employees who are underwater attacking raiders (Navy SEAL) and are out of government service and AOT employees who have supported a search and rescue mission in the cave, total of 4 persons

The results of the research, the role of the participation of the Airports Authority of Thailand (AOT), which has ongoing missions and social assistance activities in economic, social, religious, cultural and cultural aspects, and in the environmental aspect, the AOT has jointly supported a role in helping the search and rescue mission of Tham Luang - Khun Nam Nang Non very well. Whether it is in the logistics system, finance, resources, employees participate in the search and rescue mission of Tham Luang - Khun Nam Nang Non, which occurs with the participation process, suggesting that both government and private sectors have made policies by planning together and sharing experiences when disaster strikes. So that it can be coordinated quickly from the recent disaster and the predicted increasingly violent disaster in the near future.

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