Deviant Behavior that Leads to Lean Drink Addiction

  • สิทธา ด่านพงษ์ประเสริฐ
  • อภิรัตน์ กังสดารพร
Keywords: Deviant Behavior, Drugs use, Blend Drugs Addict


The purpose of this study was to study the learning of the causes that lead to mixed drug use of students and to study solutions to mixed drug use problems of students. The samples used in this study were 2 students by using the interview form as a tool for collecting this information. The study found that Most students lack warmth. And have relatives who are in a position to help pay and take care of tuition fees or other school supplies other than tuition fees. Therefore, causing the students to become sad and depressed at the father and mother separated There is no one left. Friends therefore introduced to mixed drugs. And do not think that this drug is illegal. Makes students want to experiment as for the solutions to drug problems, it was found that students tried to quit drugs and had to receive treatment. By using methods such as finding other activities and using drugs to prevent them from returning to mixed drugs.

Education Humanities and Social Science Articles