Solutions for a Decline in Net Profits: Case Study of Brunneis Public Company Limited

  • มนัสวิน นรินทร
  • วรรณรพี บานชื่นวิจิตร
Keywords: Profit, Performance, Sugar


The objective of this independent study is to search for solutions for a decline in net profits: case study of Brunneis Public Company Limited. The population is the executives from the B.E. 2019 annual report database. The samples were consisted of five executives from accounting and finance department. The data collection was classified into 1) Interviewing the selected sample 2) Secondary data by using the quarterly financial statements from B.E. 2017 to B.E. 2019, total of 12 quarters, and the information from annual reports, (56-1) from SET SMART database, research documents, related theories, related concepts, and news via electronic media. The data has been analyzed by using SWOT analysis, which having participation at all levels. The main leader was the most influential and engaged, whereas, secondary leaders listen and discuss some areas of disagreement. In addition, the analysis also used affirmative action using Fish Bone charts and individual in-depth interviews. The result of the study and data analysis shows that the decrease in net profit was caused by 1) External factors, which was due to the decrease in domestic and foreign sugar selling prices. 2) Internal factors, which was due to the decrease of income from compensation for sugar production and distribution, and loss from impairment of investment in a subsidiary. This study suggests the way to solve those problems that the Company should use lean accounting, which can stimulate and eliminate waste. Resulting an improved financial performance or able to increase the net profit.

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