Solutions for solving problems of credit card applications and cash card loans incomplete

  • สาวิณี นกแพทย์
  • ปราณี เอี่ยมละออภักดี
Keywords: Credit Card, Revolving Credi, Solutions


The objective of study aims to examine the causes of incomplete credit card and revolving credit application. Forms which cannot be considered through analysis process. Data was analyzed using the daily report from July 2019 - December 2019.Which shown 3 reasons of incomplete documents (1) The consent was not correct. (2) The application form was incomplete causing the process to be incomplete. (3) Required documents for application was incomplete.

The result of interview could be analyzed the data by the fishbone diagram. Which was the factors of "4M" production that indicated. (1) Human Factors 2.Work load factors. (3) Work system factors. (4) Work processes factors. To suggest solutions work processes should be adjusted, added pre check department for checking application forms before the standard procedure.

Business Administration and Management Articles