Solutions to a Hospital in Rayong's Special Medical Clinic's Operational Loss

  • นิธิวัฒน์ ศรีกาญจนวัชร
  • วรรณรพี บานชื่นวิจิตร
Keywords: Solutions to Operational Loss, Special Medical Clinic, Breakeven Point, Satisfaction on Services


The objectives of this independent study were to identify the factors affecting the causes and provide solutions to a hospital in Rayong's special medical clinic's operational loss. The clinic has suffered from continuous operational loss since it was open. The major cause was from the number of total patients was not sufficient to increase revenue to cover the expenses of the clinic. Linear regression analysis showed that the number of total patients to reach the breakeven point should be at least 706 patients per month. Data were collected from the sample group of 270 patients using satisfaction questionnaires and from the clinic managers by interviewing. The results showed that waiting time at the pharmacy, waiting time to see a doctor, speed of services, service fee, and hospital communication are scored the lowest satisfaction. Clinic managers suggested that surgical operations and medical procedure services should be added. The three alternative solutions are (1) increase the manpower, (2) addition of surgical operations and medical procedure services, and (3) hiring a marketing manager. The selected solution is “addition of surgical operations and medical procedure services”, because it takes a short time to initiate, uses low budget, and has the greatest potential to increase revenue.

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