Study of CASA (current and saving account to total deposit) of Bank for Agriculture and Agriculture Cooperatives, Phayu Branch

  • วันเพ็ญ บุระกรณ์ baac
  • ประสิทธิ์ มะหะหมัด
Keywords: Current and saving account to total deposit, Farmer’s customer


The objectives of this research was to study the caused of uneypected CASA (current and saving account to total deposit). Of Bank for Agriculture and Agriculture Cooperatives,  Phayu Branch,Sisaket.  This was a questionnaire surver 400 samples and personal interview executives and staff of Bank for Agricuture and Agriculture Cooperatives, Phayu Branch, Sisaket.  The results showed that the must of customers was 247 female,61.75%.  There were 145 of age 40-49,36.25%.  There were 273 agriculturist, 72.25%.  The percentage of under 5000 baht monthly income was 33.75%. There was 250 of primary school graduated.  This research found that caused of unexpected CASA were, customers needed fast service.  Increasing of Automatic Teller Machine, Automatic Deposit Machine, Automatic Book Adjuster.  These ware effect to customer satisfaction on Bank for Agriculture and Agriculture Cooperatives.   And others were, economics, competitor, staff and customers.  According to fishbone diagram analysis shown that the solutions is making up activities, saving promotion, deposit products, money saving to increase CASA deposit amout to be expected continually.

Business Administration and Management Articles