Problems and Needs of Social Welfare Provision for Adolescent Pregnant Women and Postpartum Teenage Mothers

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อรอนงค์ บัวลา
รุ่งทิวา สุดแดน
รัชดา พ่วงประสงค์
นพนัฐ จำปาเทศ
ปิยรัตน์ สมันตรัฐ


Adolescent pregnancies are a global issue contributes to physical and psychological consequences for adolescents, as well as on families and society. This quantitative and qualitative study aimed to investigate problems and social welfare needs for pregnant adolescents and adolescent mothers who lived in 4 provinces of Thailand including Chonburi, Rayong, Chanthaburi, and Trad. Quantitative data were collected from 99 participants using a questionnaire consisted of personal information, assistance and social welfare received, and problems and needs of social welfare management. Qualitative data were collected by in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis.

The findings revealed that 10% of pregnant adolescents and adolescent mothers felt guilty and desired to suicide, 29.3% left from the education system, 28.3% had no occupation and no income, and 26.3% had relationship problems with family. The results from in-depth interviews found that their problems were 1) didn’t know they’re pregnant, 2) incorrect methods of contraception used, ignorance in the use of contraception 3) relationship problems, and 4) problem related to rights and access issues. Pregnant adolescents and adolescent mothers need social welfare—education, health, other services, and proactive services. To provide supports for pregnant adolescents and adolescent mothers at individual and institutional levels, the services have to cover all aspects with friendly, understanding, not stigmatized, and clear mechanisms. Comprehensive working system could be strengthened and sustained which lead to inclusive social welfare that meet the pregnant adolescents and adolescent mothers’ needs.

adolescent pregnancy, postpartum teenage mother, social welfare provision

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บัวลาอ., สุดแดนร., พ่วงประสงค์ร., จำปาเทศน., & สมันตรัฐป. (2023). Problems and Needs of Social Welfare Provision for Adolescent Pregnant Women and Postpartum Teenage Mothers. APHEIT Journal of Nursing and Health, 5(3), e2776. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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