Factors Predicting Stroke Warning Signs Management in Diabetic Patients with Comorbidity of Hypertension
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This predictive correlational research aimed to explore the factors predicting stroke warning signs management in diabetic patients with comorbidity of hypertension. One hundred and fifty-eight diabetic patients with comorbidity of hypertension were recruited from Nong Krabian Health Promoting Hospital, Ban Mi District, Lopburi Province. Data were collected using questionnaires—personal data, stroke warning signs perception, and stroke warning signs management. The content validity index for each item (S-CVI) was evaluated with ranging from 0.97 to 1.00. The Kuder-Richardson coefficients (KR20) for stroke warning signs perception and stroke warning signs management questionnaires were .728 and .718, respectively. Descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analyses were used for data analysis.
The research results showed that stroke warning signs information and stroke warning signs perception were able to predict stroke warning signs management by 22.3% (Adjusted R2=0.223, F=23.562 p <0.001).
The finding suggests that healthcare personnel should prioritize in providing information on stroke warning signs and employ strategies to enhance patients’ awareness and understanding of how to manage stroke warning signs. Therefore, an appropriate management and timely access to treatment is achieved.
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