Solutions solving e-Banking service fee did not match the target Field: Financial, Banking, e-Banking free

  • ภัทรกร สรวิสูตร
  • วรรณรพี บานชื่นวิจิตร
Keywords: e-Banking fee, no fee in the business of e-Banking, solutions


Solutions solving e-Banking service fee did not match the target Field: Financial, Banking, e-Banking free. The purposes of this research were: 1) to approach to resolve the issue of fee in the business of e-Banking did not meet the target set by the Bank and 2) to examine and identify problems and solutions in fee income for business of e-Banking does not meet the target. The in-depth interview by open end question with 1) The executive officers of Government savings bank 2) The customers of Government savings bank in the business of e-Banking services Questionnaire with 100 customers of Government savings bank in the business of e-Banking services. The results of this study were increase its distribution channels. Expansion into overseas markets, resulting in the issue of targeting of fee income in the business of e-Banking appropriately. The goal is clear Line with the economic and political The treatment has a good customer base. A tracking of the development of digital technology or platform continuously. The two alternative solutions to manage business e-Banking service can be automatically differentiated from other competitors. There is a budget for investment in the development of human resources services and more. The structure and management of e-Banking business that can generate revenue from fees in the business. e-Banking of Bank more. The selection of the three strategic business solutions can make e-Banking offers corporate strategy. Growth Strategy Business strategy Strategy and tactics of previous costs. Focus on strategic combination of strategy, customer relationship management, strategic marketing mix provided.


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