Determining the Competitive Advantages Strategy for Apartment Business Case Study of KV Apartment

  • กรวิชญ์ โอทอง
  • แสงดาว ประสิทธิสุข
Keywords: Strategy, Apartment


This study The objective of this project is to study the possibility of establishing a strategy to create a competitive advantage in the apartment business. Case study: KV Apartment According to the survey of apartment selection factors of the sample population in marketing mix 7P’s, this study is quantitative research. Primary data was collected through interviews with entrepreneurs and distributed questionnaires to a sample of 211 people using SWOT Analysis, Industrial Environment Analysis (Five Force Model). And to define the strategy (TOWS Matrix) can define the strategy into 5 strategies, 3 phases as follows:  1) Short-term strategy using price promotion strategy  2) The medium-term strategy uses strategy to create facilities differentiation Convenience and strategy to build long-term relationships with customers.  3) Long-term strategies use strategies to expand customer base and brand development strategies.

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