The causes and solutions to the problem of customers’ inadequate payment for life support deposit, BAAC Permrak 12/10

case study BAAC Wiang Haeng branch

  • ขนิษฐา โนชัย มหาวิทยาลัยหอการค้าไทย
  • ธฤตพน อู่สวัสดิ์
Keywords: causes and solutions, insurance, bank


This independent study studies the causes and solutions to the problem of customers’ inadequate payment for life support deposit, BAAC Permrak 12/10, case study; BAAC Wiang Haeng branch. The researcher collected data from 250sample questionnaires. The results of the study showed that the cause of the problem had many aspects; the human resource, in case of problems or inquiries, there were no employees who could be contacted directly or provided specific services, the procedure, the customers received insurance policy or notification of late payment of insurance premiums, the promotion, there were few advertisements through various media, without providing details and interesting news on a regular basis, and the product, the returns received at maturity were not satisfactory and the impact of the COVID-19 virus outbreak has led to unemployment and the need of saving money as much as possible. The researcher has therefore devised a 3 solutions plan to the problems: 1. Print payment notification and deliver to customers 30 days before the deadline, 2. Call directly to notify customers who are in the grace period and 3. Check the policy status of customer every time they come to the bank. The researcher choosing the Third solution to solve the problem. If it is implemented in accordance with the aforementioned guidelines. It is expected to be able to reduce the policy amount which has respite status and lack of enforcement.

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