The approach of increasing the income of the sewing factory case study “JUTHAJERDPAAN FACTORY”

  • นพวรรณ แซ่หงอ
  • ฐานิตา ฆ้องฤกษ์
Keywords: Fishbone diagram, increasing revenue, Benchmarking, SWOT Analysis


This study aims to analyses the causes of reduced income and increasing education of sewing JUTHAJERDPAAN factory revenue. This study is a qualitative research by collecting data from a sample of 10 people count as follows: management executives, customers, and competitors in the factory's sewing factory. Tools used in this research is a in-depth interviews about the cause of the problem that makes your sewing factory revenue decrease and management process of sewing factory. By using the following theory. Using the Benchmarking theory to compare competitors within the same industry and SWOT Analysis analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and obstacles of a sewing factory to be analysed as a guideline to increase revenue with sewing factories.
The results showed that the analysis of the problem in the sewing factory using fishbone diagrams. The issue of sewing factory revenue declined 1) personnel problems caused by inadequate number of employees in the factory. And a malfunction in the work of the staff lack expertise on sports fabrics 2) machining. None of the technology to be used in the system. Its diverse forms and detailed design 3) raw materials caused by ineffective. Materials have to wait before the operation. Including losses from errors in manufacturing. By offering an alternative approach to the problem, including alternative approaches 3 1 Fix Management sewing factory. Option 2 provides guidelines for improving the sewing factory. And 3 alternatives to improve the quality of products.


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