Behavior and Service Quality Affecting the Satisfaction to use Hotel Accommodation Among Thai Elderly Tourists in Hua Hin at Prachuap Khiri Khan Province

  • เพ็ญพร กลัดหลำ
  • อริสรา เสยานนท์
Keywords: Accommodation, Elderly Tourists, Service Quality


Research Behavior and service quality affecting the satisfaction of using hotel accommodation of Thai elderly tourists in Hua Hin District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province Is a quantitative research. The objective is to study the behavior of Thai elderly tourists that affect the satisfaction of using the hotel accommodation in Hua Hin District. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. And to study the service quality that affects the satisfaction of using the accommodation of Thai elderly tourists in Hua Hin District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province By using the sample group of elderly tourists aged 55 years and older, used to travel and stay in Hua Hin Use questionnaires as tools for data collection. The researcher sampling and collecting data by using 400 sets of questionnaires. And then analyze and process the descriptive statistics which are percentage (age percentage), mean (mean) and standard deviation and inferential statistics to test The hypothesis is analyzed by Variance Analysis or ANOVA (Analysis of variance) using the comparison method using LSD (Least Square Difference) and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results of the data analysis are divided into 2 parts as follows: Part 1 Data analysis using descriptive statistics Part 2 Data analysis using inferential statistics.

The basic analysis of the sample of 400 respondents found that most of the respondents are female, 214 people, 53.50% and 186 male, 46.50%, aged between 55-60 years, 271 people. 67.75 percent, with 301 undergraduate studies, 75.25 percent, most of them having marital status, 272 people, 68.00 percent working full time, 370 people, 92.50 percent, 129 or 32.25 percent being butlers / housewives of the pension income, 156 people are 39.00%. The responsibility is to look after the parents of 248 people, 62.00%. Most of the elderly stay in the hotel with 217 people, 54.25%, with 263 family members / relatives, 65.75%, and 2 people with 319 people, or 79.75%. The duration of the stay is 1-2 times per day, 375 people, representing 93.75%, most of the number of trips in the period of 1 year more than 6 times, a total of 223 people, representing 55.75%. There are 242 people staying less than 5,000 baht per time, accounting for 60.50%. There are ways to travel to stay at the hotel. By private cars, number 363 people, representing 90.75 percent. How to book a room by Walk In to book in front of 162 people, accounting for 40.50 percent. The quality of service that affects the satisfaction of the stay of the Thai elderly tourists in Hua Hin District is overall average of 3.96 and when considering the service quality in each aspect, it is found that the first is the confidence. The average 4.00 satisfaction with the stay of Thai elderly tourists in Hua Hin in the overall is 3.96 and when considering the satisfaction of staying in each item, it is found that the first is satisfaction in the equipment. Convenient modern And satisfied with the expenses compared to what they received, averaged 4.00. In summary, from the forecasting equation, satisfaction with the use of hotel accommodations for Thai elderly tourists in Hua Hin district Prachuap Khiri Khan province found that The service quality variables have an effect on the satisfaction of using the hotel accommodation of Thai elderly tourists in Hua Hin District. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province Is a positive relationship, that is, if the service quality variable increases by 1 unit, it will result in the satisfaction of using the accommodation of Thai elderly tourists in Hua Hin district Prachuap Khiri Khan Province Rose 0.377 units.

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