The Development of QR Code Usage Strategies for Increasing the Perception of Security, Privacy and Trust: A Customer of Bangkok Bank Public Company

  • ศุภกิตติ์ จ้อยพุทธ
  • ศิริรัตน์ รัตนพิทักษ์
Keywords: QR Code, Bangkok Bank


The purpose of this study is to investigate the business strategies for increasing the perception of security, privacy, trust and the intention for boosting the usage of QR code service in Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited. In this study, qualitative research methodology was applied by interviewing with open-ended questions. The interviewees are the customer who usually use the service of Bangkok Bank. 10 participants were randomly selected. The main focuses of this study are the perception of security, privacy, trust and intention. After the data collection process, transcribing was applied to transcribe the interview. The answers from participants in each section were matched with the related theories to investigate the result that is the main reason for customers using Bangkok Bank QR-code more. According to the results, the majority of participants reported that the Bangkok Bank QR-code should provide QR-code security system and hacker prevention. Moreover, the standard security system and hacking prevention in every transaction when using QR-code are required. These systems will increase the trust and confident in customers in order to using Bangkok Bank QR-code. In addition, it will rise the total number of using the service.

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