Education to find ways to increase the amount of people loan project of Government Savings Bank National Memorial Branch, Bangkok

  • เนตรนภา รัตนจันทร์
  • ศิริรัตน์ รัตนพิทักษ์
Keywords: Cause, Solution, People Loan Project


This study had objectives 1) to analyze the causes of the problem of reduction in the amount of people loan project of Government Savings Bank National Memorial Branch 2) to study the need of marketing mix service for people loan project and 3) to use the results to create strategies for increasing the amount of loans to meet the goals. Questionnaires were collected 385 samples from customers by accidental sampling method and collected data from the in-depth interview from the directors. The results of the study found that the cause of the problem came from internal factors, namely, low publicity, lack of marketing promotion channels and modern contact channels, not enough employees to service customers, new employees lack knowledge and expertise in providing services, the service process has complicated procedures, and the external factor is that the bank has many competitors and has a competitive market share. The study found that the solution to increase the amount of loans which is appropriate and feasible is the marketing promotion strategy, which is a suitable strategy for situations that have many market competitors to attract more customers to use the service.


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