Factors Affecting the Outstanding Mortgage Debt of Customers Requesting a Compromise Settlement with Government Housing Bank

  • นภดล อังคณาวิศัลย์
  • บุญเลิศ จิตรมณีโรจน์
Keywords: Mortgage Loan, Debt Restructuring, Non-Performing Loan, Compromise


This paper studies factors affecting housing debt outstanding of customers who request a compromise settlement with Government Housing Bank. The purpose of this study is to provide the bank with information for debt administration and credit risk reduction which could potentially lead to preventive methods for bad debts and portfolio improvement overall.To conduct the research, the author analyzed 180 answered questionnaires using both descriptive and inferential statistical methods to find percentages, means, standard deviations, independent T-test, One-way Analysis of Variance: One-way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis.
The findings show that (1) age, number of family members, average monthly expense, total income, debt service coverage ratio (DSCR), monthly installment, collateral value, and a factor resulting from borrower’s decreased income are linearly correlated to the amount of housing debt outstanding, statistically significant at 0.05 level. These 8 factors can explain 69.0% of variation to the amount of debt outstanding. (2) age, number of family members, debt service coverage ratio (DSCR), monthly installment, a factor resulting from borrower’s misspending, and a dummy variable representing the regional influence of the collateral being in Bangkok metropolitan region are linearly correlated, statistically significant at 0.05 level, to the ratio of debt outstanding to total debt. These 6 factors can explain 64.7% of the amount of debt outstanding variation.

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