Factors Affecting Intention to Use Government Housing Bank’s QR Non Cash Payment

  • ธัญญพัทธ์ สหพงศ์ภัสร์
  • ฐิติกานท์ สัจจะบุตร
  • ณัฐพันธ์ บัววราภรณ์
  • พนิตา สุรชัยกุลวัฒนา
Keywords: Intention to use services, Government Housing Bank, QR non-cash payment


The objective of this study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the intention to use QR non-cash payment services of Government Housing Bank (GHB). Data collection was gathered by 200 questionnaires. Data was analyzed with independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance for finding out the relationship demographic characteristics with the intention to use non-cash payment services of users. The factors associated with intention of QR non-cash payment services of GHB were evaluated using multiple linear regression analysis.
Results: Most of samples about 58.89% were female. About 40% of sample were aged between 31 and 40 years. More than 40% of them (or 41.67%) were graduated with vocational certificates or with diploma certificates. Nearly half of sample were civil servants or officers of state enterprises about 47.22%. Personal income of sample was ranged between 25,001 and 30,000 Baht about 23.89% of sample. Furthermore, the results indicated that people using the GHB services had different education affecting on the intention to use QR non-cash payment services. For the upper secondary school or vocational certificate, there were the intention to use QR Non Cash Payment of GHB differing from people graduated with bachelor's degree and master's degree (with p-value = 0.047 and p-value = 0.033, respectively). Furthermore, Acceptance of new technology and of innovation were affecting on the intention to use QR non-cash payment services of GHB for service users. In terms of perceived Usefulness, trainability and observed ability, all of them were significantly positively correlated with the intention to use QR Non Cash Payment of GHB (with B = 0.101; p-value = 0.010, B = 0.314; p-value < 0.001 and B = 0.257; p-value = 0.001, respectively). In addition, the expectation and needs of respondents to receive from the service providers of QR Non Cash Payment of GHB are to the comfort more than of waiting in front of the bank counter. Therefore, managers should be encouraged to know the benefit, usefulness of devices towards bank customers. Especially, the changes of marketing communication can reach customers or may increase the events for customer practices to use QR Non Cash Payment of GHB and to recommend other customers known more this service, as well.


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