The Readiness to Be the Entrepreneur of Digital Art Student at Rangsit University

  • วนิดา หนูเที่ยง
  • ณกมล จันทร์สม
Keywords: Readiness, Entrepreneur


Objectives of this research were 1) to study demographic factors including gender, age, academic level, income level and grade which affect to the readiness to be the entrepreneur of digital art students at Rangsit University 2) to study external factors including political, economic, social, technology, law and environment which affect to the readiness to be the entrepreneur of digital art students at Rangsit University 3) to study knowledge and characteristics of entrepreneurs belong to digital art students at Rangsit University in amount of 240 peoples. The data analysis used descriptive statistics procedure namely frequency, percentage, average and standard deviation. For testing hypothesis, the statistics namely T-Test, F-test, One-Way ANOVA, comparison of dual difference using LSD and Multiple Regression Analysis, were used to analyze the data. The result was found that:

  1. The result of hypothesis testing found that demographic factors including gender, academic level and income level affect the different to the readiness to be the entrepreneur of digital art student at Rangsit University in statistical significant level of 0.05
  2. The result of hypothesis testing found that external factors including environment which affect to the readiness to be the entrepreneur of digital art student at Rangsit University in statistical significant level of 0.05.
  3. The result of hypothesis testing found that knowledge and characteristics of entrepreneurs belong to digital art students at Rangsit University in statistical significant level of 0.05.
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