3D Animation Design To Strengthen The Confidence “Self-Esteem”

  • ฤทธิสรณ์ จีนรัตน์
  • วัฒนะ จูฑะวิภาต
  • ชัยพร พานิชรุทติวงศ์
Keywords: 3D Animation, Self-Esteem, Low Self Esteem


The purpose of this research is to create 3D animation media for solving the problem of low self-esteem for children aged 6-12 years, which is the age of learning and the process of connecting cells. The brain will work best, so children should be cultivated, cultivated, learn and develop all-round skills. During this period, they realize and value themselves and are proud of their actions. This research is not only targeted to children, people can generally watch and absorb the concepts of this animation. To make people enjoy life more Although this animation set may not solve the problem of low self-esteem But able to create more self-esteem for viewers And can make the world look better According to a survey of 10 children aged 6-12 years old who have received and received good feedback in terms of character design, entertainment and animation that can easily reach the target audience.


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