Inequity of the Draft Civil Partnership Registration Act, in Thai Society

  • พรหมนิพิฐ เหมือนรอดดี
  • ฉัตรวรัญ องคสิงห์
Keywords: LGBTQ , Civil Partnership, Registration Act


The main objective of this independent study is to research and study about the inequality towards LGBTIQ+ Registration Act in Thailand, which also includes the ways to reduce disparities of these issues. There are seven samples in this research that some people are lawyer while some people are from LGBTIQ+ group. A semi-structured interview is the instrument used in this inequality research, in which the interview is not strictly formalized and asks more open-ended questions to allow more discussion with the interviewee. Most of the questions are focused on life quality as a LGBTIQ+ identity, the desire and needs towards marriage stability and security, problems and limitations of LGBTIQ+ Registration, and other related legislations and rights. It presents in the research that the Civil Partnership Act is not allow LGBTIQ+ spouse for any children adoption and surrogacy, including the right to dignity as a “partnership” under the Civil and Commercial Registration Act as well.

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