The Study Reduce Wasting Time and Increase Efficiency in The Production Process by Study Cases Were Drawn from The Canned Beverage Manufacturing Factory

  • วุฒิภัทร แก้วสุวรรณ
  • วันชัย รัตนวงษ์
Keywords: Waste, Utilization, Downtime, Efficiency in the Production Process


The study aimed to examine ways to reduce losing time and increase efficiency in the production process by study cases were drawn from the canned beverage manufacturing factory. The purpose of this study was to be guidelines for increasing production capacity by reducing production losses and was analyzed to find solutions and opportunities to create profits for the enterprise.

Current operational problems are as follows:

  1. Problem losses from machine set up and adjustment.
  2. Problem losses from remodeling of production plans or order absences
  3. Problem losses from machine failures

The following are solutions to the problem:

  1. Using SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die) to reduce losing time of machine adjustment in the process of changing parts which can be reduced the machine adjustment time from 684 to 454 per equipment change round resulting in reduced productivity when compared to the number of changing equipment in the year 2020 was found that the lost production decreased by 2,455,940 baht per year.
  2. To study and to analyze the guidelines for increasing the utilization of machines and for reducing losing time from non-producing of products by stimulating domestic sales or contract manufacturing which analyzed the machine capability and also used strategies. There is an investment in marketing promotion which has invested a total of 50,000,000 baht. It was found that the production of juice beverages can make profits for the enterprise up to 60,718,593 baht. The payback period is 0.82 year.
  3. Designing a self-machine maintenance plan by CLIT (Cleaning Lubrication Inspection and Tightening) for machine inspection and inspection frequencies to prevent human error and to reduce problem losses from machine failures. Human error was reduced to 4% from 50% of all problem causes after adjustment.
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