Improvement and Increasing Efficiency by Using Logistics and Application with Business of Additional Contractors: A Case Study of the xxx Limited Partnership

  • สุภานี ชัยวุฒิธร
  • วันชัย รัตนวงษ์
Keywords: ABC Analysis, Dead Stock, ECRS, Growth Strategy, BCG Analysis


This article presents the case study. Improvement and increasing efficiency by using logistics and application with business of additional contractors, case study xxx limited partnership to use Logistic activity in management to reduce errors and reduce work activities efficiently in order to meet the quality standards that are expected over the competitors with the current situation that the extension business has high competition by solutions to the problems and results of the study as follows.

  1. Presenting improvements and increasing storage efficiency in warehouses Have studied and analyzed the movement of inventory by using the theory ABC Analysis to design the inventory layout then make a timer to search for inventory after improvement resulting in the total time spent searching for 73% faster to just 1.70 minutes, the accumulated dead stock value decreased by 98.7% and the value of the accumulated inventory decreased by 6% after 3 months of improvement to be 1,890,870.45 baht.
  2. Presenting the process of using resources and operations in the business appropriately and efficiently by using ECRS techniques to improve work processes. After improvements by reducing and consolidating redundant processes can reduce time from 14 hours / Po to 2 hours 10 minutes, the project status tracking process has S-Curve tools to be used to control the actual work to match the planned and subcontractor evaluation process that reference supplier evaluation theory Q C D S.
  3. Analysis of cost and time estimation of project activities to propose new business building guidelines leading to create revenue for the business by the concept of Growth Strategy, BCG Analysis and Supply Chain Analysis. The results are construction of a condo with a high demand and profit at present. Therefore, analyze the financial results that will be obtained which can creat profits for the organization up to 4-6 times / original profit / year.
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