Increasing The Efficiency of The Production Process and Solving the Problems that Cause The Dead Stock Case Study: Paper Packaging Company Ltd.

  • อภิพัฒน์ ศิริพรรณ
  • วันชัย รัตนวงษ์
Keywords: Machine Setting, SMED, Production Plan, Cost of Waste, In Process, Finish Good, Visual Control, Order, Platform


This study is a study. The objective of the study is to study the working process and solve the problems that cause unnecessary costs in each production process of the company, including storage. With the study of primary and secondary data collection in order to study and analyze the cause of the problem Which has detected the following problems

  1. The process of setting up a machine that takes a long time And is a type of mechanic Resulting in no standards for setting Machines in various production processes From machine adjustment to printing, which will affect the product quality and the numberof products produced
  2. Continued results from the production process that has a lot of damaged products Resulting in a lot of wasted costs Both the cost of money And the time of production, labor and the area used to store waste products (waiting for wholesale)
  3. Production that lacks production planning Causing the production of products to not meet the order of demand Resulting in storage and care of the product

After analyzing     

  1. Study and analyze the machine setting process and bring SMED to help manage the machine setting process.
  2. There is a short production plan every week and the visual control system is used to solve the problems of production insertion, resulting in a more continuous production process.
  3. Manage the inventory as a result of the production process improvement. Helps reduce the proportion of defective products and the likelihood of defective products Resulting in a more efficient production process
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