Improving the efficiency of production and merchandising Riceberry

  • ธนกร ปานอุดมลักษณ์ บริหารธุรกิจมหาบัณฑิต สาขาการจัดการโลจิสติกส์ มหาวิทยาลัยหหอการค้าไทย
  • มณิสรา บารมีชัย
Keywords: watse sorting, stock, E-commerce, Riceberry


The objective of this study is to find ways to improve the efficiency and increase the competitiveness of the medium  rice mill company by focusing on three areas. The first one is to reduce the defects of the product caused by the inappropriate production processes, the second one is to increase the accuracy of the inventory and the third one is to expand the business to the new market channel. To reduce the defects during the production processes, the parameters for setting the color sorter machine are determined and established as a standard for this process. In addition, the new procedures for drying process are developed in order to control the humidity of the rice to conform with the standard. these new procedures lead to the reduction of the defect rate of the products delivered to customer. For the second problem, the new method for checking and recording inventory status of the inventory also developed using the google sheet. This will help the company to have the right information about their inventory level and can make a better decision. Finally. The new channels to distribute the products through E-commerce market also suggested to help company create more income-generating opportunities.

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