Factors Affecting Intention to Use Non-Performing Assets (NPA) Bidding System of Customers in Government Housing Bank

  • เฉลิมพล สุวรรณบุปผา
  • พนิตา สุรชัยกุลวัฒนา
  • ณัฐพันธ์ บัววราภรณ์
  • ฐิติกานต์ สัจจะบุตร
Keywords: Customer honesty, Government Housing Bank, Credit service quality


The objective of this study aimed to investigate both the demographics and perception factors of technology towards affecting the intention of customers using Online Non Performing Asset of Government Housing Bank (Online NPA of GHB). This study was conducted in form study survey. Data collection was gathered by 200 questionnaires and were completely replied of 185 questionnaires. While 10 random questionnaires were depth interviewed in order to analyze the data with descriptive statistics.
Results: Half of the respondents about 51% were male. About one-third of them (29%) were aged between 25 and 34 years. About 40% of them were graduated with bachelor's degree. Nearly half of sample were civil servants or officers of state enterprises about 37%. Personal income of sample was ranged between 15,001 and 25,000 Baht about one-third of sample (29%). More than one-third of respondents (37%) spend between 4 and 6 hours per day using internet. It was at between 8:00 and 12 pm that 41% of respondents had used internet. 29% of customers searching for information via internet. As 45% of customers interested in the immovable property especially detached house. GHB customers had the good points of view to technology acceptance which was averaged score of about 4.11 of five. In particular, perceived usefulness of online property auction system does not make the waste of traveling time to contact the bank. It was easy to participate in the auction anywhere and anytime. There are various ways to join the auction. The problems affecting the use of the NPA for online auction from in-depth interviews were the attitude of customers concerning equity and reliability in the online auction system. As the result, banks should explain customers to be clear and understand about safety and details about each property for sale in online NPA. For these reasons, customers would use all information in order to decide to buy a property or participate in the auction of assets.


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