Approach to Increase the Turnover

the Case Study of Penang Market

  • เลิศฤทธิ์ วงษ์ดี university of thai chamber of commerce
  • ศุภสัณห์ ปรีดาวิภาต
Keywords: strategy, business profits, Penang Market



This study aimed to identify the causes of problems and to formulate strategic guidelines of increasing the performance of the Penang Market. The tool for collecting the data in this study are in-depth interviews with 10 entrepreneurs who selling their products within the Penang Market and a questionnaire was distributed to 107 Penang Market’s customers. The data was analyzed using percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results of the study showed that the Penang Market is a market which has been in operation for several years. The structural deterioration and the scenery of the project are not improved. It makes the market in a rather disrepair state and most of the project operators are elderly people who have done business for a long time. Moreover, the businesses within the market are family businesses that do not have heirs to inherit them. As a result of that, there was no product development and increased online product sales channels due to lack of technology knowledge and understanding. Therefore, the solution to solve the problem of increasing the business profits of the Penang Market is prepared a central site of the Penang Market to use as a distribution channels for entrepreneurs to sell their products because the operating budget is not very high. In addition, this channels are also a way to increase revenues for the company by collecting common fees. 

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