Predicting Factors of Health Literacy among Nursing Students

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อาภัสรา กล้าณรงค์
น้ำอ้อย ภักดีวงศ์


This descriptive predictive research aimed to investigate health literacy and factors predicting the health literacy of nursing students. A purposively of 257 nursing students from school of nursing were recruited. Sample size was selected according to the numbers of each academic year students. Data were collected using questionnaires comprising 4 sections—personal data, critical thinking (CVI=.94), social support (CVI=.98), and health literacy (CVI=.92). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Chi-square, and Logistics regression.

The findings showed that sum- and sub-scales of health literacy were mostly at adequate level. Year of study and social support were significantly associated with and together predicted health literacy with 12.1% at p < .05, the 2nd and 3rd year nursing students had sufficient health literacy more than the 1st year students 2.129 and 1.648 times, respectively. Nursing students with high level of social support had adequate health literacy 3.321 times higher than that of students with moderate social support. These findings demonstrate that nursing students' health literacy should be assessed and integrated into the curricula both theoretical and practical courses.

health literacy, critical thinking, social support, nursing student

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Research Articles


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