Predicting Factors of Health Promoting Behaviors of University Students with Obesity
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This predictive research aimed to investigate health promoting behaviors and predictive factors of health promoting behaviors among students with obesity. Pender’s health promotion model was employed as a conceptual framework. A total of 126 students was randomly selected from students with obesity who received general medical services at the university clinic. Data were collected using personal data information sheet, and questionnaires regarding health promoting behavior, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, perceived self-efficacy, and social support in the practice of the health promotion behaviors. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson product moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression.
The findings revealed that both overall and each aspect of health promoting behaviors including eating behaviors, physical activities, and stress management were at low level. There was a significantly moderate positive correlation between health promoting behaviors and self-efficacy (r = .494, p = 000), and low-level negative correlation with perceived barriers (r = -.351, p = .000). Together, perceived self-efficacy and perceived barriers were able to predict health promoting behaviors at 33.90 %. Campaign Projects is suggested to motivate students to engage in the health promoting behaviors including both physical and mental health.
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