Synthesis of contrasting technical in fashion

  • เมริษา จิ๋วประดิษฐกุล
  • สุวิทย์ รัตนานันท์
  • Sridhar Ryalie
Keywords: combination, difference, identity


This research The objective is to study the differences of materials and techniques. Which is the opposite of each other and is the one that has ever been banned from incorporating the process together From the differences of these two things Can create and create a jewelry that has a strange surface pattern and is beautiful To lead the fashion that can create identity And features that indicate the specificity of the person Like a symbol or an answer That comes from the system, process, idea and being conveyed in the design
The results of the research have found that Experimental integration of copper and clay metal materials and burning techniques the melting of different copper metals When linked together, can create patterns and surfaces by burning at 900 and 1200 degrees Celsius, resulting in different jewelry types. Can change and develop the color pattern of the material Can be adapted to be used as jewelry, such as clothes, bags or shoes, depending on the usage of consumers freely And is a response to the creation of identity, character.


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