Research and Creation of Vertical Video for Promotion of Inno-life Tourism, Nong Saeng District, Saraburi Province

  • อาทินันทน์ แก้วประจันทร์
  • ลักษณา คล้ายแก้ว
Keywords: Video Clips, Vertical Videos, Promotion


The research aimed to investigate the contents and presentation techniques of the 9:16 vertical videos used for the promotion of the inno-life tourism in Nong Saeng District, Saraburi Province and to create a vertical video for the public relations of the district. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews with key informants, and the analysis of the presentation formats of five video clips was carried out. The results showed that, in order to create a video clip for the promotion of inno-life tourism, the contents needed to be interesting, focusing on farmers’ way of life as well as local tourist attractions. In addition, the content should be presented using a variety of techniques, and the length should not exceed 5 minutes. The most important things in the creation of 9:16 vertical video were: the main focus should be positioned in the center of the frame; the content should include sufficient information about local tourist attractions and activities in order to draw the audience’s attention; the language used in the video clips should be catchy, easy to remember, and suitable for people of all age; and the storytelling should be conducted using narrative techniques and interviews. In terms of the creation of the vertical video, a variety of devices and editing programs were employed. The production process of such video included four stages: planning, production, post-production, and evaluation. The evaluation results showed that the target tourists understood the content of the video, resulting in more popularity of Nong Saeng district, and desired to visit the district and participate in local activities. Therefore, it could be concluded that the creation of the vertical video to promote the inno-life tourism of Nong Saeng district, Saraburi Province, was successful.

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