Research and Video Production for the Promotion of Public Knowledge of Eletricity Meters in Samko District, Angthong Province

  • ณัฐกานต์ เฉลยหมู่
  • ลักษณา คล้ายแก้ว
Keywords: Video, Public Knowledge of Electricity Meters, Samko District


This research aimed to promote public knowledge of electricity meters in Samko District, Angthong Province, and the use as well as problems of the use of electricity meters and to produce a video providing the audience with knowledge of electricity meters. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews with key informants who were electricity meter specialists and people residing in Samko District, Angthong Province. Data from related literature and interviews were analyzed prior to the video production process. Then, a script was made and approved by experts. The production process included photography, editing, screenplay, and adding texts. The video was evaluated by five evaluators including electricity meters specialists, media production experts, and community leaders. The length of the video was 5.41 minutes.

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