The Study of Quality Service Improvement and Increase Customer Satisfaction Case Study Refinish Co., Ltd.

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Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Service


This study has 3 objectives, which are 1) to survey the level of customer satisfaction with the company's services 2) find the reasons for the decrease in the level of satisfaction 3) to propose methods of service to increase the level of Customer satisfaction This study focuses on Service quality problems and the competitive strategy of Refinish Company Limited due to service quality problems. The company makes Customers use fewer company products Data analysis of the company's monthly meeting report And data from the annual market share data Show that Customers are more likely to choose to use competing products. Which can be evaluated from the market share of Refinish Company Limited which has decreased from 2018 due to the above problems, causing the students to study about customer satisfaction in order to be used to improve service quality Of Refinite Company Limited by studying only the customers of Premium Grade service center in Bangkok In which such customers are classified as premium customers That is loyal to the organization by looking at the use of only one brand name organization And is the main revenue creator for the organization by looking at the orders over 100,000 baht per month and receiving services from the organization for over 4 years, offering solutions to increase customer satisfaction levels By creating an action model to solve the problem of decreasing satisfaction, to increase the students to use the concepts, theories and tools for analysis. That has already been studied to study and develop principles And find solutions to increase the efficiency of the organization To be able to increase sustainable competitive advantage in the same business with the concepts, theories and analytical tools 1) The concepts and theories in analysis related to the 7 McKinsey factors to consider Weaknesses - strengths 2) concepts and theories of service quality to find what customers expect 3) Cause Effect Diagram analysis tools to analyze the root cause of the problem So that customers continue to be loyal to the products and services of the company.

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