The study of job motivation and performance efficiency of telesales Promark Strategies (Thailand) Co. Ltd and Centara Hotels & Resorts

  • เกสรา โรจนานนท์
  • ผุสดี พลสารัมย์
Keywords: Motivation, Work performance, Telesales, Centara


This main purpose of this independent study is to conduct a research on job motivation, work performance, and also specify the relationship between job motivation and performance efficiency of telesales approach at the two organizations, including Promark Strategies (Thailand) Co. Ltd and Centara Hotels & Resorts. The target sample involved 40 telesales representatives from both companies. The data is collected by distributing 40 sets of survey to the participants and conduct 4 separate interviews with 4 different employees. Moreover, the data is analyzed by involving statistics, percentage, average, and standard deviation to examine the relationship and distinctive factors between all variables by using T-test, ANOVA, and Correlation as supporting tools.

The findings of this research have shown that the motivation factors that are correlated with performance under workload are career achievement, company policies, work condition, career progression, personal recognitions, and compensation in order.

Motivation factors that are correlated with quality of performance include career achievement, company policies, work condition and compensation in order.

Motivation factors that have negative correlation with work performance based on the work absence are company policies, personal recognitions, career progression, and career achievement in order.

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