Solutions for Fees and Services Income Education Has A Downward Trend for Bank

  • ภานุวัฒน์ ดาวังปา
  • วรรณรพี บานชื่นวิจิตร
Keywords: Fee Base Income, Bank Charges, Decrease


This study is a problem due to the growth of fee and service income of the bank in 2016-2018. The objective is to study the causes of fee and service income that are likely to decrease and to study solutions to fees and services that are likely to decrease. With a sample of 200 people for respondents. And 2 top executives in in-depth interviews and using the SWOT Analysis TOWS Matrix and Cause and Effect Diagram to collect data by issuing questionnaires and interviewing forms using descriptive statistics such as frequency, value Percentage and Mean. The results showed that .Most of the bank's customers are credit customers. Popular banking services during the Saturday holidays - Sunday and public holidays And the problem is that the majority of customers use the service of the bank branch is very small With an average of less than 1 bank branch per month And most prefer to use the service via electronic channels such as Mobile Banking and the image problems found in the questionnaires and interview forms are Confidence and reputation of the bank Not yet known and accepted by bank users Therefore, the bank should create the image of the bank to be well-known and build trust among users by advertising through various media channels. In order to reach the general public and more diverse groups, focusing on the name of the bank and the slogan of the bank for recognition and acceptance

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